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Samurai Shodown Rpg English Patch

카테고리 없음

by scorinthrougon1979 2020. 3. 2. 12:29


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Did you guys know? Seems like DeuceBag has made some progress with Samurai Shodown RPG translation.I don't mind waiting,i know that when it's done it'll be such a nice game in English since DeuceBag is the one working on it.About the picture above,it may be a spoiler but in that village you receive a statue of the Virgin Mary.The boss of the 1st scenario is Amakusa Shiro,it pretty much explains why the Christians' references in the game,right?P.S.: Oh yeah,i forgot to introduce myself.I'm Shakku and it's nice to meet you all!

I guess it would just be best to wait for the patch. I dunno if I'll ever play it personally, but it is cool that it's getting translated.I should've posted the definitive link to the thread where he keeps his progress updates:Seems he deleted himself from where there was another SSRPG progress thread! Why am I not surprised?? Just like AHOY ALOY as well which I can certainly relate to! RHDN is nothing more than a Thieves' Den of malcontents after all, even despite its positive aspects of being one centralized source of patchware and information. Thus, it's nice to be vindicated every now and then; I also boycotted/distanced myself from both places.I remember I told him how much they sucked when they were floating threats of extortion against me years back along with the usual campaign of defamation, slander, libel, character assasination, etc. As a result, I demanded all of my patchware be removed from their miserable site, that is, to refrain from forcibly making my work apart of their site something that they're still butt-hurt about ( There's never any introspection with these people, I'm always wrong!

Bow down/yield before the community/collective, boy and all that dribble.). He had told me that you're gonna get that kind of behavior wherever you go and that I shouldn't care, etc. In his case, they probably just annoyed him to no end, but I do recall some douchebag threatening him/his family if he didn't hand over the tools for SSRPG so that he could translate it into his own language way back before it came to deleting himself. But yeah, I dunno the exact circumstances that eventually led to that. The Internet, you gotta love it! Freaks'n'Geeks with a computer! WATCH OUT!ANYWAY, I added that link to the first post.

When/if he finishes it, that'll be the place where you'll find it. Thank you very much for the link,NightWolve!

Samurai Shodown Rpg English Translation Patch

I'm afraid i'm a member there though.You see,i'm also a NeoGeo fan.Ys and NeoGeo are 2 things i really love.Hope you don't mind.As for Romhacking,i only visit there to gather info and collect some patches.I'm not much fond of the forums,although i have an account there(not a single post yet though!).Yeah,i read all sort of insults to you and DeuceBag 'down there'.Not only there,but on other sites as well.Talk about ungrateful slimeballs.No,i'm not wasting my post on talking about them.Those freaks aren't worth this.Back to topic.You're right! It's much better waiting for the translation to be finished.I visited that topic many times,and it seems DeuceBag is pretty serious about this one.I'm sure he WILL finish this someday! Not sure when but he'll definitely do it!

I can see in his posts a real fan of SSRPG.He loves this game! That's why i trust him completely on this.P.S.: Thank you for letting me join the forums.I'm really happy to be here!

Samurai Shodown Rpg English Patch

You're the best,NightWolve! Board MenuGoogle Ad BlockRecent Shoutsby:I created a page, it finally needed to be done formally as NIS America turned out to be yet another XXXSEED Games Redux Clown show.by:Why would @XSEEDGames insult me by calling me 'Hitler' when I would NEVER call them 'Stalinists?&qu Oh well, I try so hard to be their friend - and maybe someday that will happen! Twitter.com/realDonaby:Just got blocked by @XSEEDGames on Twitter a second ago. I just wanted to thank the jerks for having kept their divisive, poisonous, criminal hands off of the new Ys VIII title & Gurumin which means I can legitimately support Falcom in the US again! Falcom is becoming Great Again in the Trump era, who would've thought!!

Hahaha!by:Psycho Kirsten 'omgfloofy' Miller called me a 'f@gg0t' on Reddit by proxy with an animated meme! In a recent exchange, she spammed me with this: Who is Kirsten? She did work for X.X.XSEED on Ys Celceta and is credited in the Special Thanks section. Don't they get more embarrassing the more you learn? In the aftermath of the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub where 50 people were executed, does dropping 'f@gg0t' still fly in so a nonchalant fashion?

Source Link.by:Is XSEED Lame 'Games' waging a 'war on women,' specifically 'little women'? Do they pander to animated ped0philia-loving perverts?

Man, these headlines write themselves! Attaboy Tom, thanks for the lulz at least in the midst of all your criminality!by:Creepy, bigoted, butthurt, bullying-ass NightCrawler, STILL spying on and attacking me, 9 years after I told him I simply want NOTHING to do with him or 'romhacking hacks.net' - Amazing how these bullies don't understand how creepy they are! The disgusting cyber-bully manchild is pushing 40 years old now, hasn't changed a bit, and still has a bully obsession with me for something petty circa 2005 (11 years ago), the thin-skinned troll that he is!!by:Finished my Hall of Shame entry for Miikka 'MP83' Poikela - Worked in some good Lipschultz material to boot!by:New Ys VI patch is now live for your downloading pleasure! Standby this week for a full installer if you don't have the game itself!by:Stay tuned till this Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for an announcement and a special surprise.by:It's been 11 years since I managed a new PC Engine project, but I have indeed returned to the retro console platform I first started the ole fan translation gig with! Finally took the time to mention it hereEmerald Dragon.